Most Rewarded qualities of a successful salesperson

4 min readAug 9, 2021

Most Rewarded qualities of a successful salesperson

At some point, you may wonder what do top salesperson or rep of your team has in common? Individual selling styles or techniques may vary from individual to individual, but have you noticed why the same top performance boards have the same names.

To get maximum results and to reach business goals, you need to know what all traits set them apart. Check out the most rewarded qualities of a successful salesperson, who consistently performs outstandingly.

What Makes a Salesperson Successful?

It is rare to see a salesperson lose control or speak quickly. One of the credibility boosters of a sales representative is staying composed. Also, it helps a person to avoid saying things that could make them regret later.

Maybe your lead or prospective customer asks for a demo or customer reference, immediately answering them like “ Yes, we can do it” instead of giving a pause and saying giving a confusing answer, is an awarded quality of a successful salesperson.

Even during negotiations, it is important to stay calm and make strategic decisions, instead of getting frustrated. Also, a successful rep keeps their mind calm when customers tend to get aggressive when they notice their points are slipping away.

Don’t Be Self Conscious

If you don’t remember when you got embarrassed last time, then it is a great sign for a successful salesperson. According to studies, more than 1000 successful salespeople found that only 5% of the total count are self-conscious.

If a salesperson is not self-conscious, it assures they are not afraid of taking risks and are determined to close their deals.

There are many instances, when a salesperson gets rejected and fails to close the deal, instead of taking it as a negative sign, a successful person considers it as an opportunity for learning and improving. Such resilience helps in overcoming hard times.

A successful salesperson’s self-assurance is all about using Challenger sales methodology, which includes pushing back the lead and then focusing on the end goal rather than losing confidence or being self-conscious.

Being a successful salesperson, it is important to use the right sales management tools, to ensure you get maximum results from your hard work. Using perfect tools will take you one step ahead of becoming a top sales performer.

For sales representatives, time and energy are essential resources. That is the reason a successful salesperson takes every task as an investment like if they invest their time, they will get more sales.

This test allows them to differentiate between high reward and low reward ones, like if a sales rep spends their time on perspective who is a bad fit, then it is going to be a waste of time for both.

The most rewarded quality of a successful salesperson is spending their time effectively and efficiently. If they spent hours on calling logs, copying and pasting emails, it can be hours they can spend on closing deals.

As per a study, an average salesperson spends only 2 hours on their revenue-generating activities, but a top sales performer spends 6 hours on the same tasks.

Understanding The Entire Industry

A successful representative is well versed with their products and willing to take their knowledge further. Having industry expertise gives more value to a salesperson. They not only help in providing product information to buyers but also provide guidance with every aspect of the business.

However, being an expert in a competitive industry is tough, but not impossible. So if you as a salesperson understand the complete industry then you are on your way to the leaderboard as a successful salesperson.

If you are under training sessions, it is a tempting feeling to see that your training is over. But in reality, a successful salesperson focuses on learning new things every day. One can achieve a meaningful career by acquiring new knowledge and techniques. And learning always pays off. It’s crucial to know the latest sales techniques that will help you to grow as a pro salesperson.

Also read: 9 sales techniques every sales executive should know in 2021

Salespeople get higher results when they get continuous sales training. So it is the most successful trait of a top performer, to keep learning and growing.

It is an old saying, salespeople must build rapport with just anyone in the business. The best salesperson must know how to deal with conversations with strangers, be open with other team members or departments of the company, and must be a great listener.

Now when you know what are the most rewarded qualities of a successful salesperson, with hard work and focus, you can be one of them with the same qualities.

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Originally published at on August 9, 2021.




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